ProductCamp St. Louis 2017

This is a page with archived information about ProductCamp St. Louis 2017.

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ProductCamp St. Louis 2017 Overview and Recap

ProductCamp St. Louis 2017 was our 6th annual event and was held Saturday, February 25, 2017 at Webster University. We had over 400 registrants and over 250 attendees.


8:00am Doors open; plan on arriving at 8am to give you time to park, check in, vote for sessions, and get coffee.
8:20am Voting ends
8:25-8:45am Opening session — ground rules, sponsor introductions, unveiling of agenda
8:45-9:00am Break (15 minutes)
9:00-9:45am 1st Session
234 : Session ID17: Enhance Your Competitive Edge! [Shelly Azar.]
236 : Session ID24: Patents & Trademarks: The Basics + Searching Workshop [Dennis Donahue.]
238 : Session ID12: Nimble Tools for New Product Development [Lois Lewis.]
252 : Session ID2: Psychographic Profiling: How to sell more, more quickly, with less effort. [Dale Furtwengler.]
253/262 : Session ID7: BrainStorming Techniques from Oracle, Apple, and Google [Dan Glasscock.]
263 : Session ID30: Ask Me Anything: UX Edition [Danielle Cooley.]
9:45-10:00am Break (15 minutes)
10:00-10:45am 2nd Session
234 : Session ID36: Customer Centered Product Development – MVPs, functional prototypes and Agile development [Paul Heirendt.]
236 : Session ID48: Maximize Your Website to Attract Visitors, Convert Leads and Close Sales [Geoff King.]
238 : Session ID26: Best Practices for Product Roadmaps [Jeff Lash.]
252 : Session ID9: Secrets of Successful Product Videos [John Launius.]
253/262 : Session ID23: Patent, Copyright, Trademark (Intellectual Property) Protection for Products and Services [Brett Schenck.]
263 : Session ID51: Are You Behind The Times? The Latest Digital Marketing Tactics To Grow Your Business [Rahna Barthelmess.]
10:45-11:00am Break (15 minutes)
11:00-11:45am 3rd Session
234 : Session ID16: Win/Loss Analysis: Insight into the Minds of B2B Customers/Prospects [Shelly Azar.]
236 : Session ID19: Amazon, eBay & Wal-Mart: Taking Your Products to the Masses [Will Hanke.]
238 : Session ID5: What is a Customer Journey Map and How to Create One [Bill Haines.]
252 : Session ID6: Get things Done. Achieve Extraordinary Productivity [Dan Glasscock.]
253/262 : Session ID32: Value first / Customer first product development and marketing [Paul Heirendt.]
263 : Session ID35: Product Strategy for Human Behavior [Charlie Eaton.]
11:45-12:30pm Lunch (free for all participants, courtesy of our sponsors)
12:30-1:15pm 4th Session
234 : Session ID29: Get out of the Rut and Back in Your Groove [Dixie Gillaspie.]
236 : Session ID50: Here’s the Pitch: How to win with the media [Sandi Straetker, APR.]
238 : Session ID43: Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make [Kimberly Sahu.]
252 : Session ID52: Are You Positioned For Success? How To Ignite A Strong Personal Brand [Rahna Barthelmess.]
253/262 : Session ID27: Engage the Whole Team, Change the World and have FUN using Extreme Innovation Games [Jason Tice.]
263 : Session ID10: Innovating at Scale: Bringing New Business Models to Market in Established Companies [Brendan Sullivan.]
1:15-1:30pm Break (15 minutes)
1:30-2:15pm 5th Session
234 : Session ID4: CONFIDENT: Even when you have no background or experience. [Dale Furtwengler.]
236 : Session ID13: Digital Excellence; The Agile Organization for the Changing Customer [Annette Wodicker.]
238 : Session ID20: Amazon Alexa – The Next Great Platform [Christopher Tysh.]
252 : Session ID33: Millennials: The Case For A Segmentation Strategy [Earnestine Benford.]
253/262 : Session ID15: Design Sprint Workshop [Lois Lewis.]
263 : Session ID28: FireDice – A Self-Managing Agile Team Simulation [Jason Tice.]
2:15-2:30pm Closing session

Proposed Sessions for ProductCamp St. Louis 2017

Note: Some proposed sessions were removed from consideration by the people who have submitted them. They are still listed here and appear in strikethrough (like this). They were not eligible for voting, but if you are interested in the topic, you are encouraged to contact the presenter directly.

Proposed Sessions for ProductCamp St. Louis 2017: Details

Session ID#:1 Pricing: Why your competitors and the economy don’t matter
Description: Many business leaders labor under the mistaken beliefs that what their competitors and the economy are doing matter. Dale Furtwengler will destroy these misconceptions with hard data from publicly-traded companies. He’ll also outline the 5-step pricing for getting higher prices regardless of what your competitors or the economy are doing.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Go-to-Market
Submitted by: Dale Furtwengler. Dale Furtwengler is the author of Pricing For Profit. He helps his clients get premium prices regardless of what their competitors or the economy are doing.
Dale is on Twitter as @DaleFurtwengler.More info:

Session ID#:2 Psychographic Profiling: How to sell more, more quickly, with less effort.
Description: We spend way too much time trying to sell to people who will never buy because we don’t have a way to identify them quickly. Psychographic profiling provides the criteria you need to dramatically increase the productivity of your sales efforts. Dale Furtwengler will share the keys to creating an effective psychographic profile.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Go-to-Market
Submitted by: Dale Furtwengler. Dale Furtwengler is the author of Pricing For Profit. Psychographic profiling is an essential element to getting higher prices regardless of what your competitors or the economy are doing. Dale is on Twitter as @DaleFurtwengler.

More info:

Session ID#:3 What your customers are REALLY buying
Description: Most business owners believe that their customers are buying their products and services. In reality there are only three things any of us buy. Discover not only what they are, but how they can dramatically improve your sales and marketing effectiveness.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Go-to-Market
Submitted by: Dale Furtwengler. Dale Furtwengler is the author of Pricing For Profit. His counterintuitive approach to positioning products and services helps his clients get premium prices regardless of what their competitors or the economy are doing. Dale is on Twitter as @DaleFurtwengler.

More info:

Session ID#:4 CONFIDENT: Even when you have no background or experience.
Description: All too often we embrace doubt and overlook the reasons why we should be confident. Discover the secrets to being consistently confident…even when you have no background or experience in the situation you’re facing. You’ll not only become more effective, you’ll enjoy life more.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Prod Management Careers
Submitted by: Dale Furtwengler. Dale Furtwengler is the author of Lead A Life of Confidence. He helps his clients free themselves of fear, anxiety and frustration. Dale is on Twitter as @DaleFurtwengler.

More info:

Session ID#:5 What is a Customer Journey Map and How to Create One
Description: By clearly associating the key problems/goals, influences and touch-points for (current or potential) customers, a Customer Journey Map can create a guide for both product development and marketing initiatives.

While there are many ways to create a journey map, this session will get you started by offering a core model that you can adapt to your particular needs- describing Context, Goal, State, and Influence across each phase of the customer journey. The session will also outline three, core applications for Journey Maps- Product planning, Launch, and Optimizing market performance.

Attendees will receive a core template for their own use via email after the session.

Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Opportunity Analysis
Submitted by: Bill Haines. Bill Haines of Haines-Group []
Product leader with 25 years’ experience ranging from small & large start-ups, to big company senior manager, to parachute-in rescue operations, and over a decade of consulting with more than 80 projects completed. Through it all Bill has learned a lot about how to wrangle product-centered strategy and marketing. He is also an experienced product management trainer. Bill is on Twitter as @hainesgroup.More info:

Session ID#:6 Get things Done. Achieve Extraordinary Productivity
Description: Every day brings us a crushing wave of demands: a barrage of texts, emails, interruptions, meetings, phone calls, tweets, blogs—not to mention the high-pressure challenges of our jobs. The sheer number of distractions can threaten your ability to think clearly, make good decisions, grow your business and accomplish what matters most.

This session will cover Franklin Covey’s techniques for avoiding distractions and paying focused attention to your most important goals and tasks in our daily lives. It is designed to increase the productivity of individuals, teams, and organizations and will empower you to make more careful, high-impact choices about where to invest your valuable time, attention, and energy.

Come learn how to tame your INBOX.

Session Format: Presentation
Category: Go-to-Market
Submitted by: Dan Glasscock. Veteran technology and management executive Dan Glasscock brings more than 30 years of experience across technology and business sectors. Dan is responsible for the development and execution of Oracle’s Core Database and Hybrid Cloud strategies for North America. Dan has extensive knowledge in Information Technology, Product Strategy, Go-to-Market Activities, Sales and Marketing Execution. Dan is on Twitter as @DanGlasscock.

More info:

Session ID#:7 BrainStorming Techniques from Oracle, Apple, and Google
Description: Brainstorming. Done right, it is an effective catalyst for innovation, problem-solving and product development. Done wrong it causes more harm than good. In today’s “Innovate or Die” economy it is essential for companies to incorporate Brainstorming into their culture and innovation strategy
Participants in this workshop will learn how to lead SUPER EFFECTIVE brainstorming sessions which will generate numerous good ideas, build consensus and produce results. This workshop is intended to increase the productivity of individuals, teams, and organizations; empowering them with the best tools, techniques, and advice.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Dan Glasscock. Veteran Technology and Management executive Dan Glasscock brings more than 30 years of experience in technology and business. Dan is responsible for the development and execution of Oracle’s Core Database and Hybrid Cloud strategies for North America. Dan has extensive knowledge in Information Technology, Product Strategy, Go-to-Market Activities, Marketing, and Sales execution. Dan is on Twitter as @DanGlasscock.

More info:

Session ID#:8 Bringing the “why” back to Project Management
Description: Project Management, planning, standups, and tasks are necessary part of working with a team. As teams grow project management can evolve from an absolute minimum to a politically charged requirement. What if there is another mode? A mode that champions team culture and is driven by the team’s goals. During this session we will quickly expand upon the current state of project management, outline the problem, and some clues to the solutions. Then, participants will breakout in groups to create a project plan to solve these problems.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Simon Yost. Simon is a leader, teacher, designer, amateur cyclist, and self-professed coffee aficionado. He specializes in maximizing the potential of digital, multidisciplinary teams. Simon is currently a UX designer and developer at Bandura, LLC. Before Bandura, he served as a technical project manager. Simon has also taught web development at Washington University in St. Louis. His experience provides a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing digital teams. Simon is on Twitter as @simoyost.

Session ID#:9 Secrets of Successful Product Videos
Description: Participants in this interactive presentation will learn specific and scalable lessons for the creation of successful product videos. Whether you are working with a content media partner, or forging your own path with your internal teams, John Launius, VP of Vidzu Media, will share learnings from product videos that he and his team have created for Matco Tools, Dent Wizard, JBL, Under Armour, Duralast, Autozone, Rawlings, and many more.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Go-to-Market
Submitted by: John Launius. As Vice President of Vidzu Media, part of the Nitrous Effect collaboration, I have the pleasure of leading an incredible collective of innovators who deliver groundbreaking creative solutions for our international roster of clients.

Whether it is producing a radio show, podcast, sales pitch, branding video, broadcast commercial, or any other digital marketing tool, you can count on me and my incredible team of experts to assist you with your goals.
John is on Twitter as @vidzumedia.

More info:

Session ID#:10 Innovating at Scale: Bringing New Business Models to Market in Established Companies
Description: After a short primer on the major areas of focus of innovating inside a company, we’ll have an open discussion on the common challenges of intrapreneurship. Please bring your corporate pain!
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Brendan Sullivan. Brendan manages strategy, innovation and strategic partnerships for Maritz Motivation Solutions. He has more than 20 years of software product development experience in the marketing, publishing, defense and automotive industries. Brendan earned his bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Missouri – Columbia and his MBA from Webster University. Brendan serves as a board member for the St. Louis Product Management Group. Brendan is on Twitter as @stayhungry23.

Session ID#:11 Who Owns The Code????
Description: A primer on how to have a happy relationship between software developers, code writers, website hosts, and their clients.

We will touch on:
Software Development Agreements (SDAs)
End User License Agreements (EULAs)
Open Source Software Agreements (OSSA)
. . . and what they all really do and don’t do for you and to you!

Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Steve Matthews. IP attorney with Matthews Edwards LLC, 25 years experience advising on IP matters to client partners including large corporations, mid-caps. start ups, and individual inventors.

Session ID#:12 Nimble Tools for New Product Development
Description: In this session many tools for startup product development will be shared straight from an ITEN entrepreneur who has spent the last year working on a new product startup. Concrete examples will be demonstrated for market research, requirements building, team sharing and rapid prototyping. Tools presented include: Owler, NounProject, FreeMind, JoinMe, Reflector, Stories on Board, Google Alerts, Google Trends, PearlTrees, Slack, Trello, Axure, Design Sprints, Stories on Board and others.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Startup/Entrepreneur-specific
Submitted by: Lois Lewis. Lois Lewis is the founder of CoCreate Collective a company that brings the right people together to collaborate and co-create innovation solutions and the founder and CEO of Wanders RV an early stage RV trip planning startup. As an experienced human-centered design and service design professional Lois excels at crafting stories about the future that help teams envision what a valuable solution can be before its built. Lois is on Twitter as @loistweet.

More info:

Session ID#:13 Digital Excellence; The Agile Organization for the Changing Customer
Description: Is your organization agile enough to cope with the ever changing requirement of the customer? As Digital Product Managers we often face rigid organizations contradicting the customer centric approach they claim to achieve. Let’s share our experiences in this session.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Annette Wodicker. As a PM I am obsessed with products. I combine my vision about consumers and products and have solid instincts on usability and market timing. I “own” the product and nurture it through prototyping, launch, customer adoption, and analysis of user responses to drive continued enhancements. My aim is for high-flying products that bring in enormous ROI’s, but I am always looking to an “intangible” goal – consumer happiness, or how to change people’s lives for the better. Annette is on Twitter as @AWodicker.

More info:

Session ID#:14 Video Marketing For Newbies
Description: If you haven’t noticed, it’s 2017 and everyone is GO, GO, GO! Getting consumers to pay attention to traditional marketing advertisements is becoming increasingly difficult.

Using video as a tool to communicate to your target audience is one of the most effective marketing strategies out there. BUT you have to know how to use it right way.

At JM Films, we produce short cinematic films that capture and communicate the WHY instead of the what. In this hands-on workshop, we will not only teach you the elements of effective video marketing, BUT you will also get to put what you learn into practice by producing your own! Say what!

Want to create your own video you can use for your website or social media? VOTE FOR THIS SESSION. It will be the most beneficial (and practical) one you attend.

Session Format: Workshop
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Jon Morgan. Jon is a St. Louis based film producer and owner of JM Films. With over 10 years of experience in the film/video production industry, Jon’s expertise ranges from corporate and promotional videos to feature films. His real passion is to produce short cinematic films that capture and communicate the WHY instead of their what. Jon is on Twitter as @jmfilmsllc.

Session ID#:15 Design Sprint Workshop
Description: The Sprint is Google Venture’s unique five-day process for answering crucial product questions through prototyping and testing ideas with customers. The facilitators of this workshop used this process last year during a Google Ventures sponsored SprintWeek. During this session we will share and demonstrate how to run a sprint and you will get insider information on what works and what doesn’t. We will spend up to 75% of this workshop in a hands-on exercise.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Startup/Entrepreneur-specific
Submitted by: Lois Lewis. Lois Lewis is the founder of CoCreate Collective a company that brings the right people together to collaborate and co-create innovation solutions and the founder and CEO of Wanders RV an early stage startup. Lois is a Designer, Strategist, Researcher, Maniacal Boardgamer, Airstream Owner, Teacher, and Neurotic Optimist Lois is on Twitter as @loistweet.

More info:

Session ID#:16 Win/Loss Analysis: Insight into the Minds of B2B Customers/Prospects
Description: How do you get into the mind of B2B customers and prospects to learn what they really think and desire? If you’re looking for strategic and tactical insights from your B2B customers and prospects — how they make decisions, what they value, where they’re headed, how they identify vendors, what they think of your offerings and what they think of competitors — the best (and perhaps only) way to get this information is through in-depth interviews in a process called win/loss analysis.

This session will provide an overview of the win/loss analysis process; insights and benefits that can be achieved; and considerations/tips for doing it. Q&A and discussion of best practices are most welcome!

A popular session in the past, this is being offered again this year.

Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Product Lifecycle Mgmt
Submitted by: Shelly Azar. Shelly Azar, principal of Insight Researchers, has been working in the field of market intelligence, helping clients be competitive by making better strategic and tactical decisions, since 1996. Her experience, both as a corporate practitioner and as a consultant, has been with companies large and small, public and private, in the US and abroad … and in a variety of industries. Shelly is on Twitter as @stazar.

More info:

Session ID#:17 Enhance Your Competitive Edge!
Description: To be competitive your business needs to track customer needs, the competitor landscape, industry trends, market opportunities/threats and much more. Are you aware of all the kinds of topics you should track? Do you know the best ways to research them?

This session will provide an overview of what should be tracked; describe insights that can be gained; and give tips on how to get great information. Participants can share competitive challenges they have faced and ways they have met those challenges.

This session has been one of the favorites from past ProductCamp St. Louis events … so it is being offered again this year.

Session Format: Presentation
Category: Opportunity Analysis
Submitted by: Shelly Azar. Shelly Azar, principal of Insight Researchers, has been working in the field of market intelligence, helping clients be competitive by making better strategic and tactical decisions, since 1996. Her experience, both as a corporate practitioner and as a consultant, has been with companies large and small, public and private, in the US and abroad … and in a variety of industries. Shelly is on Twitter as @stazar.

More info:

Session ID#:18 Augmented Reality: Changing the Landscape of Imagination
Description: In this workshop, you will hear about the ever-evolving world of Augmented Reality and how a local game and interactive media studio partners with companies to help harness this technology. Participants will have the opportunity to view an augmented reality demo and ask questions on how to capitalize on this technology. Presented by Matt Raithel, Studio Director at Graphite Lab and Adam Antor, Client Services at Graphite Lab.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Adam Antor. For going on 12 years now, the team at Graphite Lab has been developing games. Starting back in 2004, founder Matt Raithel joined developer Black Lantern Studios to grow a portfolio of nearly 50 hit titles before expanding to St. Louis and opening Graphite Lab in 2009.

They’ve built their reputation on solid gaming mechanics, feature-quality character animation, flexibility, know-how and a courageous drive to always explore the latest technology. Adam is on Twitter as @graphitelab.

Session ID#:19 Amazon, eBay & Wal-Mart: Taking Your Products to the Masses
Description: You’ve got a great lineup of products, and you want to get more sales. Leveraging popular selling channels like Amazon, eBay and even Wal Mart can really help your business grow. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of selling on these channels, cover common practices to help you avoid SEO penalties, and get tips on increasing sales and expanding beyond just these “big three”.
Session Format: Ask the Expert
Category: Go-to-Market
Submitted by: Will Hanke. Will Hanke has a passion for helping businesses tell their story, get more customers and make more money. His company, Red Canoe Media, has helped mom & pops and multi-million dollar companies with their online marketing strategies.

Will teaches monthly classes and holds coaching webinars for small business owners on a wide variety of topics from analytics to ecommerce. He is an avid business & marketing blogger and has published several ebooks including an Amazon Bestseller in Marketing. Will is on Twitter as @redcanoemedia.

More info:

Session ID#:20 Amazon Alexa – The Next Great Platform
Description: Presentation and discussion about the opportunity of voice as a platform, specifically looking at Amazon Alexa. What is Alexa, high-level technical overview, what is currently possible, future possibilities, limitations and advantages of the system.
Session Format: Ask the Expert
Category: IT-specific
Submitted by: Christopher Tysh. Christopher Tysh is a mobile developer. Christopher is on Twitter as @ChrisTysh.

More info:

Session ID#:21 Building the Total Product Experience or TPE for a Multi-Sensory experience.
Description: This is a working session for enhancing your current product offering. This session will be most effective for you if you come with an idea of your Single Minded Proposition, the one thing that sets your product or solution apart. I will spend 1/3 of the time explaining why this is important and walking you through how to leverage your 6 senses for building a TPE and 2/3 of the time for you to work on and share your work with others. You will leave with new skills, a new perspective and thoroughly provoked.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Mark Engel. I have been leading Innovation teams with a focus on product development for more than 20 years. I have led new product development teams at a variety of companies including General Mills, SC Johnson, Little Tikes and Express Scripts.

The Total Product Experience came about from a Global Scavenger Hunt I led in Tokyo in 1999.

Mark is on Twitter as @MarkEngel2.

Session ID#:22 Designing to Mitigate Obsolescence; Don’t Fight It, Roll With It!
Description: You’ve put a lot of effort and expense bringing your product to market only to be faced with a growing list of component obsolescences right after launch. In some instances, a major redesign is required to keep the product available to the customers. This session will use a case study to illustrate ways to avoid wasting precious resources redesigning and/or requalifying your product every time a part becomes unavailable – with a little up-front work, you can design to roll with the changes.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: John Norlie. John Norlie works for bioMérieux Instrument Engineering and uses his 30+ years in medical product realization to drive continuous improvement through better design.

Session ID#:23 Patent, Copyright, Trademark (Intellectual Property) Protection for Products and Services
Description: Learn about the ways to protect your Intellectual property for your product or service in order to prevent others from copying and selling your protected product or service.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Brett Schenck. Brett A. Schenck is a registered patent attorney and trademark and copyright attorney with over 20 years experience both in the corporate and law firm environment. He has provided legal services for large corporations including Honda, Maytag (Hoover division), Diebold, Lenovo, Boeing, ZTE, and TRW as well as small businesses and individuals.

More info:

Session ID#:24 Patents & Trademarks: The Basics + Searching Workshop
Description: One of the first steps in protecting an invention with a patent or a brand with a trademark is the search for existing or expired patents and trademarks. In this session, Dennis Donahue (the co-founder of CreatiVenture Law) will quickly go over the basics of patents and trademarks and then move into a live workshop on searches that could help any entrepreneur focus the protections that they want to consider with their intellectual property counsel.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Dennis Donahue. Dennis Donahue is an intellectual property attorney, manager, and business advisor. Dennis started his career as an aerospace engineer, got hired into the company’s law department after law school, went into private practice where he rose to become the co-chair of a large firm’s IP group and then co-founded CreatiVenture Law, a firm focused on helping entrepreneurs protect their intellectual property assets, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Dennis is on Twitter as @dennisdonahueip.

Session ID#:25 Agile Marketing: How to Apply Agile Concepts to Marketing
Description: Agile development is now the predominant way that organizations create technology products (especially software-as-a-service offerings). The widespread use of agile in product development also has spurred experimentation elsewhere in the organization, particularly in marketing. This has given rise to “agile marketing,” which takes the principles laid out in the Agile Manifesto and builds on them, tailoring some of the concepts and adding some new ones specific to marketing. But what IS agile marketing? And how can marketing be agile? In this session, we will review the fundamentals of agile and agile marketing, show practical examples of agile marketing, and talk about the elements necessary to be successful with an agile marketing approach.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Jeff Lash. Jeff Lash is VP and Group Director, Go-to-Market at SiriusDecisions, where he advises B2B product management and product marketing teams on how to implement best practices and improve efficiency and effectiveness. He has 15+ years experience in product management, product marketing, user experience and product development. Jeff also writes the popular How To Be a Good Product Manager blog ( and is on Twitter as @jefflash.

More info:

Session ID#:26 Best Practices for Product Roadmaps
Description: Roadmaps are key deliverables for product managers. They are used to lay out the future plans for a product and to communicate that plan to internal and external audiences. Unfortunately, many product managers struggle with roadmaps because they don’t understand the various ways roadmaps can be used. Without an effective roadmap, a great product strategy will not be supported internally by other functions or understood by external parties. No matter how great a product plan is, it will not succeed if it isn’t properly articulated, documented and communicated. In this session, we’ll provide best practices for product managers for product managers to follow for creating and communicating product roadmaps.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Jeff Lash. Jeff Lash is VP and Group Director, Go-to-Market at SiriusDecisions, where he advises B2B product management and product marketing teams on how to implement best practices and improve efficiency and effectiveness. He has 15+ years experience in product management, product marketing, user experience and product development. Jeff also writes the popular How To Be a Good Product Manager blog ( and is on Twitter as @jefflash.

More info:

Session ID#:27 Engage the Whole Team, Change the World and have FUN using Extreme Innovation Games
Description: Are you interested in learning how to use games & experiential methods to synthesize new ideas? Join us for a 100% hands-on workshop where, you will have a chance to participate in several engaging & fun group activities to do a bit of pro-bono market research & product development for iconic St. Louis brands. You will experience collaboration methods that give everyone an equal voice and are designed help groups establish consensus. Within the workshop, a series of games & activities will guide participants through a concept development flow consisting of initial brainstorming, concept refinement & group learning, and then conclude by creating an action plan that identifies what we need to be build, what we will be learn by building it, and how to measure if we are on track or not.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Manufacturing specific
Submitted by: Jason Tice. Jason Tice leads the World Wide Technology Business Innovation Practice and uses collaborative methods, open space, and ideation frameworks to engage people within organizations large and small guiding them to work together and discover ways to learn and improve. Jason is a prior organizer and presenter at multiple Agile Alliance conferences, the Agile Games conference, and most recently convened 2016 Agile Coach Camp in St. Louis, MO – he’s also a frequent host on the ThisAgileLife podcast. Jason is on Twitter as @theagilefactor.

Session ID#:28 FireDice – A Self-Managing Agile Team Simulation
Description: A distinguishing characteristic of lean, agile & scrum software development is the use of “self-managing” teams to complete work. Many ask, how is it possible for a team to work together and deliver software without a project manager? Interested in learning more, join us to play “FireDice”. FireDice is a non-technical agile team simulation that will challenge participants to work on self-managing teams and complete the most valuable work within a fixed period of time. In this 100% hands on workshop, each team will decide how to prioritize their work while also ensuring that work they commit to is completed before the deadline. FireDice highlights the key lean/agile principles of team decision making, minimizing work in progress, cross-functional teams, and retrospecting to improve.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Other
Submitted by: Jason Tice. Jason Tice leads the World Wide Technology Business Innovation Practice and uses collaborative methods, open space, and ideation frameworks to engage people within organizations large and small guiding them to work together and discover ways to learn and improve. Jason is a prior organizer and presenter at multiple Agile Alliance conferences, the Agile Games conference, and most recently convened 2016 Agile Coach Camp in St. Louis, MO – he’s also a frequent host on the ThisAgileLife podcast. Jason is on Twitter as @theagilefactor.

Session ID#:29 Get out of the Rut and Back in Your Groove
Description: Using Popular movie themes to illustrate real-life burnout factors, Dixie Gillaspie and Danielle Cooley walk the audience through a living case study of going from Stuck in a Rut to Back in the Groove. This lively presentation draws from Danielle’s own burnout experience. A 17-year UX veteran, she engaged Dixie – a renowned business consultant and executive coach, to get her Back in the Groove.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: HR-Related
Submitted by: Dixie Gillaspie. Dixie Gillaspie is a coach, business consultant and analyst, a change agent, and a firestarter to entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to step into the full power of their gifts, talents, brains, and souls.
She is the author of Just Blow it Up – Firepower for Living an Unlimited Life and a companion book, Doses of Dynamite – Firepower for Capturing the Inspiration in Everyday Things. Her writing has also been featured at numerous places including, and Huffington Post. Dixie is on Twitter as @DixieDynamite.More info:

Session ID#:30 Ask Me Anything: UX Edition
Description: In this session, Danielle Cooley brings her 17 years of experience as a UX practitioner to answer YOUR questions about UX. What is it? Why is it important? Is it the same thing as graphic design? What are some techniques I can use to make sure my products are well-designed? Where should form fields be positioned?

So bring your questions and get over any UX hurdles in your way!

Session Format: Ask the Expert
Category: Requirements Definitions
Submitted by: Danielle Cooley. For the last 17 years, Danielle Cooley has been applying UX research & design techniques to a variety of technologies for such companies as Hyundai, Pfizer, Graco, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Fidelity, MasterCard, and more. Passionate about UX evangelism, she is a frequent speaker at UX and developer conferences. Danielle is on Twitter as @dgcooley.

More info:

Session ID#:31 Using Cutting Edge Technology to Get People to Beg You About Your Biz
Description: The most effective forms of communication today can be very time consuming. What if you could send 1000 personal texts, with that persons name in each text, from your phone, in less than 20min? What if you could send a handwritten card from your phone in less than 2 min, and add gifts and pictures to the card? No stamps, no hassle! What if you saved 3-5 hours a week on email, adding people to your CRM, and scheduling meetings. We have several free and inexpensive solutions for you.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Bob Bunch. Bob Bunch helped start Element Church, which has been in the top 100 fastest growing churches in the country five years in a row. He is now part of a philosophy and system that helps businesses grow about 30% in 90 days by helping businesses remember clients in such a way that the client never forgets the business—this in turn helps referral grow exponentially. You can check out some of these tools at his website: Bob is on Twitter as @robertbunch.

Session ID#:32 Value first / Customer first product development and marketing
Description: Agile development and Lean Startup principles applied to Product Development, Positioning, Branding and Marketing.
A group discussion sparked by real world case stories
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Paul Heirendt. A serial entrepreneur since leaving an executive position with a Fortune 120 company in 1994 Paul is on Twitter as @pheirendt.

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Session ID#:33 Millennials: The Case For A Segmentation Strategy
Description: Millennials will be the largest generation through 2050. They represent over 1 Trillion dollars in buying power. They are ages 18-34 and while most view them as one homogeneous group this presentation takes a closer look at the difference inherent in this 16 year age span. We will illuminate some of these life stage differences and firmly establish the case for segmenting this large and important demographic to effectively target the right consumer with the right unique selling points for your business.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Opportunity Analysis
Submitted by: Earnestine Benford. An experienced B2C and B2B global consumer marketer coupled with extensive market research experience spanning a 25 year career with Fortune 100 companies e.g. The Coca Cola Company, Sara Lee and Disney. Additionally she has consulted with Population Service International -Kenya and Fleury Michon, France. Core competencies: brand management, consumer insights, strategy, segmentation and innovation from concept to launch. She is the principle of Creating Breakthroughs LLC Earnestine is on Twitter as @earnestinebenfo.

More info:

Session ID#:34 Open Innovation
Description: Many established organizations need for agility, fresh ideas, and partners in the marketplace. Incumbents with resources, customers, and insights into what’s not working need startups, upstarts and disruptors to work with. Open innovation brings them together for (hopefully) win/win collaboration. In this session, we’ll look at a few examples and work together to define a successful open innovation “manifesto”.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Resource overview
Submitted by: Dan Reus. Dan Reus sees potential. As a trusted advisor, he helps innovators in big and small organizations find insights, develop strategies, manage change, and engage early adopters. Dan is on Twitter as @DanReus.

Session ID#:35 Product Strategy for Human Behavior
Description: Does your product strategy align with the needs of the people who use your product? How would you know? If it wasn’t what would you do?
In this workshop you’ll get an introduction into how to create mental models for your product strategy, along with some fun interview skills on talking with your customers.
Attendees will enter for a chance to win a free copy of Indy Young’s Mental Models.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Charlie Eaton. Charlie Eaton is a User Experience Architect, currently at Maritz Motivation Solutions. His passion for user centered design and understanding the real needs of real people have helped him work with teams to create software products that people want to buy and enjoy using. Charlie is on Twitter as @cman0178.

Session ID#:36 Customer Centered Product Development – MVPs, functional prototypes and Agile development
Description: Too many companies develop and launch products only to find less than favorable market response.
Involving customers and customer feedback can dramatically improve your results but it is harder than it sounds.
We will explore some best practices around customer centered product development
Session Format: Ask the Expert
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Paul Heirendt. A former Fortune 120 executive with decades of experience in Product Development, M&A, Sales & Marketing and Startup success Paul is on Twitter as @pheirendt.

More info:

Session ID#:37 Think small to GROW BIG
Description: What does a simple fern plant have in common with your organization? If you say ‘nothing’ it may be the cause of your severe growing pains…or lack of growth altogether. As a solopreneuer or multi-million-dollar company, scalability is fundamental to healthy growth. But how do you build for scale? This discussion will examine a management and alignment framework derived from stochastic self-similarity, a concept so powerful Mother Nature herself uses it. Suitable for entrepreneurs and experienced leaders alike this framework will help you connect your mission, vision & values to the most finite thing you create. And with the largest and smallest bookends in place, we then align all your operational activities in between to achieve your organization’s highest goal and purpose.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Shane Freeman. Shane Freeman spent one childhood summer reading the DOS 4.0…just for the fun of it. Another 15 years as a DJ, on land and sea, helped him develop a salesmanship, ease and humor hard to come by in the geek world. For 15 years, Shane has sat in the middle of a sales, marketing and technology Venn diagram. He specializes in helping B2B product and professional service companies with cross department process improvement, alignment and integration. Shane is on Twitter as @shanefreeman.

Session ID#:38 #IRL Dynamite for Your Product Management Log Jam
Description: {FADE IN; EXT. CONFERENCE ROOM – NIGHTTIME; Clocks shows 2:25AM; shouts fill the air of your cramped co-working space as ten entrepreneurs and stakeholders passionately debate why their features should be the first to develop} Sound familiar? Without thousands of dollars or a dedicated team, user research can be taxing for product managers. The next best solution is an objective, transparent methodology for prioritizing…anything! In this 100% interactive workshop we’ll develop our stakeholders and product, then use a Paired Comparison Analysis, Decision Matrix and an interactive Gantt Chart (all conveniently located in one downloadable #freetemplate) to rank initiatives, build buy-in and deliver the most value possible with an already limited budget.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Product Management/Development
Submitted by: Shane Freeman. Shane Freeman spent one childhood summer reading the DOS 4.0…just for the fun of it. Another 15 years as a DJ, on land and sea, helped him develop a salesmanship, ease and humor hard to come by in the geek world. For 15 years, Shane has sat in the middle of a sales, marketing and technology Venn diagram. He specializes in helping B2B product and professional service companies with cross department process improvement, alignment and integration. Shane is on Twitter as @shanefreeman.

Session ID#:39 #IRL Build a Marketing Strategy That’s Not Treated Like Fake News
Description: Ever hear this? “Your budget’s been cut, we really don’t need marketing, it’s all just a bunch of ballyhoo.” Unless you were marketing in the early 1900s you may not have heard ‘ballyhoo’ but if you’ve found yourself working for scientists, engineers, or non-believers it’s really hard to get buy-in for marketing’s amazing ideas. And while it may be hard to measure the effectiveness of a rebrand, you can start building trust with good ole fashioned facts, leadgen, and Microsoft Excel. In this interactive workshop we’ll start with sales goals, critical KPIs, marketing alignment and campaigns and see how that gets translated into budget (all conveniently located in one downloadable #freetemplate).
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Shane Freeman. Shane Freeman spent one childhood summer reading the DOS 4.0…just for the fun of it. Another 15 years as a DJ, on land and sea, helped him develop a salesmanship, ease and humor hard to come by in the geek world. For 15 years, Shane has sat in the middle of a sales, marketing and technology Venn diagram. He specializes in helping B2B product and professional service companies with cross department process improvement, alignment and integration. Shane is on Twitter as @shanefreeman.

Session ID#:40 The Consumer Journey? Consumer Experience? What is it and Why Does It Matter?
Description: We will explore the change in consumer brand affinity and purchase patterns. Answer the questions about the difference between a Consumer Purchase Journey vs Experience Journey. Understand better why you may consider mapping as a way of visualizing journeys. And delineate why it is an important tool to grow your business.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Product Strategy
Submitted by: Earnestine Benford. An experienced B2C and B2B global consumer marketer coupled with extensive market research experience spanning a 25 year career with Fortune 100 companies e.g. The Coca Cola Company, Sara Lee and Disney. Additionally she has consulted with Population Service International -Kenya and Fleury Michon, France. Core competencies: brand management, consumer insights, strategy, segmentation and innovation from concept to launch. She is a Brand Strategist with Creating Breakthroughs LLC. Earnestine is on Twitter as @earnestinebenfo.

Session ID#:41 International Websites and Software
Description: Designing, manufacturing, distributing and marketing of goods will continue to be more international. One country thinking is a dead end. The future belongs to companies with International Websites and Software. Come to my round table breakout to explore the international flavor of business in the 21st century.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Manufacturing specific
Submitted by: MELODY EYE. Melody Eye is a UX Designer at Creative Computer People Inc. She graduated from the Missouri University of Science and Technology with a MS in Information Science and Technology and a certificate in Human Computer Interaction. She holds a B.S. degree in Telecommunication from Lee University. She loves usability and enjoys working with international topics.
MELODY is on Twitter as @melodyeye.

Session ID#:42 You should always follow the rules (except when you shouldn’t)
Description: Do you always follow the rules? Always ignore them? Or does it depend on the rule, on the situation. In his Treatise on Painting, Leonardo da Vinci wrote, “These rules are intended to help you to a free and good judgment: for good judgment proceeds from good understanding, and good understanding comes from reason trained by good rules, and good rules are the children of sound experience, which is the common mother of all the sciences and arts.” In this Town Hall style session, I’ll share my own thoughts on the value of good rules on building good judgment on product and service teams so that they can know which rules can – and should – be broken and encourage you to share your own thoughts and experience.
Session Format: Town Hall
Category: HR-Related
Submitted by: Brett Miller. Brett has spent most of his adult life trying to understand how the mind works, how people think, how they develop mastery, and what this all means in the world of work. He’s getting closer, but still has a long way to go. Brett is on Twitter as @gbrettmiller.

Session ID#:43 Avoiding the Top 10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make
Description: 1. Copyrights – Never cut and paste. Ever.
2. Trademarks – What you don’t know can hurt you
3. Choice of entity – Protect yourself from your business’ liabilities
4. Insurance – Let someone else pay the bills
5. Contracts – Write them or weep
6. Contracts – Read them or weep
7. Employees vs. Independent Contractors – Incorrectly categorize at your own peril
8. Hiring and Firing Employees – Do it right or get sued
9. Protect your Data – Don’t let someone steal your business from you
10. Withholding Taxes – Do you really want the IRS to knock on your door?
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Kimberly Sahu. Kimberly Sahu is an attorney specializing in entrepreneur law and Intellectual Property.

Session ID#:44 Recipe for Success- The Legal Steps to Sucessfully Start a Business
Description: What you need to do and when you need to do it. A step by step practical legal guide to starting a business.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Kimberly Sahu. Kimberly Sahu is an attorney specializing in entrepreneur law and Intellectual Property.

Session ID#:45 Intellectual Property 101
Description: The different kinds of Intellectual Property your company may have and the different ways you can protect it.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Kimberly Sahu. Kimberly Sahu is an attorney specializing in entrepreneur law and Intellectual Property.

Session ID#:46 Hire Beware- Worker Hiring Considerations
Description: Employee vs. Independent Contractor, Exempt vs. Non- Exempt Employees, and more… what you need to know about employer rights and responsibilities.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Other
Submitted by: Kimberly Sahu. Kimberly Sahu is an attorney specializing in entrepreneur law and Intellectual Property.

Session ID#:47 What’s In A Name? Trademark Considerations
Description: What you need to know about Trademarks- before you hire a lawyer.
– The difference between a trademark, a trade name, a registered name a DBA and a brand,
-Why you might want to Trademark your brand,
– Choosing a name- what can and cant be trademarked,
– A trademark vs. a servicemark,
-The difference between the TM and (R)- different levels of protection,
– and much more…
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Other
Submitted by: Kimberly Sahu. Kimberly Sahu is an attorney specializing in entrepreneur law and Intellectual Property.

Session ID#:48 Maximize Your Website to Attract Visitors, Convert Leads and Close Sales
Description: Is your website performing as well as you think it should? Are you thinking about re-designing your website? Spending $$$ online but don’t know your ROI?

Objective: Learn how to maximize the effectiveness of your website to increase your number of leads and customers.

You will learn:
• Effective Tips on how to Design or Re-Design your Website
• How to use Inbound Marketing to attract visitors to your website
• How to create content and optimize for search engines
• How to engage prospects with landing pages and calls to action
• How to generate and convert leads with your website layout
• How to Increase Customers from your Website

We will make sure to include time for Questions and Discussion around Website Design and Digital Marketing!

Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Geoff King. Geoff completed his BS in Computer Science at Webster University. He is a Google Analytics and AdWords Certified Professional and holds an Inbound Marketing Certification and Inbound Sales Certification from HubSpot.

ZioSolutions specializes in mobile responsive website design and development. We are dedicated to helping businesses grow their website visitors, leads and sales with Inbound Marketing services including content marketing, SEO, social media and online advertising campaigns. Geoff is on Twitter as @TheGeoffKing.

Session ID#:49 Choosing the Right Business Structure For You
Description: A discussion of the most common types of business structures including, Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, LLCs, C-Corps, S-Corps and Not- for profits. The advantages and disadvantages of each and what you want to consider when choosing yours.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Legal
Submitted by: Kimberly Sahu. Kimberly Sahu is the Primary Attorney for Venture Protector, LLC and specializes in entrepreneur and intellectual property law.

Session ID#:50 Here’s the Pitch: How to win with the media
Description: Just like in baseball, 90% of the work that goes into a successful media pitch happens before you even step onto the mound. Find out how to do the scouting, the selection and the preparation to help you consistently deliver a pitch that wins with the media and makes YOU and YOUR COMPANY a star.
Session Format: Presentation
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Sandi Straetker, APR. Sandi Straetker, APR, manages marketing communications and provides strategic public relations counsel to major corporations, private businesses and professional service firms. She’s placed stories in media like USA Today, Good Morning America, FORTUNE, and more trade magazines, blogs, newspapers, TV and radio programs than she can count. Her work has been honored by the Public Relations Society of America’s Silver Anvil Awards. Sandi currently serves as president of the St. Louis PRSA Chapter. Sandi is on Twitter as @SandiStraetker.

More info:

Session ID#:51 Are You Behind The Times? The Latest Digital Marketing Tactics To Grow Your Business
Description: Is your website less than 3 years old? Are you using marketing automation and CRM tools to educate and engage potential customers? Do you understand how your business can leverage Snapchat and the other latest social media platforms? Have your search engine optimization put your website in Google’s Top 10 listings for your most productive keywords?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, then this session is for you!

In this interactive session, we’ll provide information about the latest trends in digital branding and offer open-ended, on-the-spot brainstorming for anyone who wants support about what efforts you might try, including website development, SEO, email marketing campaigns, social media, webinars and video sharing tactics to help your business grow.

Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Rahna Barthelmess. Rahna is Chief Strategist for Beacon Marketing, a St. Louis-based digital marketing agency that helps small and mid-sized businesses build their brands, identify and nurture leads and strengthen their digital presence through website development, SEO, email marketing and digital PR. Before that, she worked for years as Brand Manager for LEGO toys, Miracle-Gro Plant Food, Build-A-Bear Workshop, Texaco gasolines and other big brands, helping them create stronger connections with customers. Rahna is on Twitter as @rahna.

More info:

Session ID#:52 Are You Positioned For Success? How To Ignite A Strong Personal Brand
Description: Business professionals will learn how to build and optimize their personal brand for success.In this interactive workshop, you’ll explore:

• How to build confidence by discovering what makes you unique and how to clarify your distinct personal brand.
• Managing your skillset and ways to position yourself as an expert
• How your personal brand impacts your company brand
• Developing your networking skills. Innovative and powerful ways to connect with others.
• Creative ways to promote your personal brand in a natural way without being too “”sales-y””.
• How to continue to grow your personal brand purposefully.

Session Format: Town Hall
Category: Prod Management Careers
Submitted by: Rahna Barthelmess. For over 20 years, author, speaker and personal branding expert Rahna Barthelmess has passionately helped entrepreneurs find more clients, job seekers land that dream job, and corporate executives get promoted. Author of the book “”Your Branding Edge: How Personal Branding Can Turbocharge Your Career,”” Rahna pulls from real-life experiences, translating classic marketing ideas into practical how-to’s that can be immediately applied to people’s business lives. Rahna is on Twitter as @rahna.

More info:

Session ID#:53 Branding Your Product, Your Company and Yourself
Description: Your brand is much more than just a logo. But what does it mean and where do you start? In this workshop, participants will learn how to think strategically about their product, their company and themselves and walk away with an outline to begin the branding process.
Session Format: Workshop
Category: Marketing Execution
Submitted by: Sandi Straetker, APR. Sandi Straetker, APR, spent more than a decade in corporate communications and agency account management before founding her firm, PRiority. She manages marketing communications and provides strategic public relations counsel to major corporations, private businesses and professional service firms. Her work has been honored by the Public Relations Society of America’s Silver Anvil Awards, the “Oscars” of the industry. Sandi currently serves as President of the St. Louis PRSA Chapter.
Sandi is on Twitter as @SandiStraetker.


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Pragmatic Marketing
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Objex Design

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